Aging is a common fear especially amongst women. In fact, along with it, comes our subconscious and conscious what ifs. What if I grow old old fat and ugly? What if my husband will then abandon me for a young woman? What if I become sickly and my children won't take care of me? What if my pension won't be enough for my expenses? These questions and many others had been crossing my mind for a while now after the thought of my age and the feeling of being beaten and left out by the younger generations got into my nerves.
But as I looked ate my mother, I got back to my senses and realized that getting old is a choice. One can grow up without getting old. I realized that, though I can age as everybody else will, I can choose what kind of old person I want to be! I want to be just like my mom! She's been through a lot even until now and, yet, at the age of 52, she looks like our elder sister- so young, charming and beautiful! Beauty is, indeed, beyond age.